Explore the world of colour. Discover your own personal colours and how to wear them with style. Feel confident wearing your clothes, save money and make sustainable clothing choices.

An investment which lasts a lifetime.

Suffolk Colours and Style.


Express Colour.

This is a quick and cost effective way to find out your dominant colouring type and ten of your most flattering colours.

You’ll receive an express pocket guide showing these shades.

Advice on how to combine your best colours, make up tips and how to use accessories to wear your colours with style.

For a minimum of four people.

30 minute analysis at my home studio per/ person.

£ 55 per/person.

Mens’ Colour.

Discover your dominant colouring type and thirty of your most flattering colours or your dominant, secondary and tertiary colouring types and forty two of your most flattering colours.

How best to wear your colours for corporate and casual wear.

Advice on how to accessorise your colours.

How best to wear the colours you already have in your wardrobe.

You’ll receive your personal colour wallet with either thirty or forty two fabric swatches. Shopping will be easier, quicker and you’ll save money knowing which colours suit you best.

90 minute analysis at my home studio.

£150 per/ person.

120 minutes analysis at my home studio .

£170 per/ person.

Introduction to Colour.

Discover your best thirty colours which will harmonise with your own natural colouring.

Find out your dominant colouring type and how to combine your colours for your lifestyle.

Advice on your best make up colours together with hints and tips. I’ll apply a light make up for you as we explore your colours. It’s an opportunity to try out new shades.

You’ll receive your personal colour wallet with thirty fabric swatches. Shopping for clothes and accessories will be so much simpler using your colour wallet.

90 minute analysis at my home studio.

£150 per/person or come with a friend or partner £140 per/person

Colour Review.

Rediscover your best colours. Our hair and skin tone can change which affects the colours we can wear. If you have had a colour analysis before but feel those colours no longer harmonise with you, then it’s time to review.

This service is similar to the Advanced Colour analysis but does not include the colour wallet. You have the option to purchase this if you chose to do so.

Advice on your best make up colours together with hints and tips. I’ll apply a light make up for you as we explore your colours. It’s an opportunity to try out new shades.

90 minute analysis at my home studio.

£110 per/person.

Advance Colour.

Discover your best forty two colours which will harmonise with your natural colouring.

Find out your dominant, secondary and tertiary colouring types and how to combine your colours for your lifestyle.

How best to wear the colours you already have and how to introduce new shades to create a versatile wardrobe.

Advice on your best make up colours together with hints and tips. I’ll apply a light make up for you as we explore your colours. An opportunity to try new make up shades and we’ll look at the shades you already have and where to introduce new ones.

You’ll receive your personal colour wallet with forty two fabric swatches. Shopping for clothes and accessories will be so much simpler using you colour wallet.

120 minute analysis at my home studio.

£170 per/ person or come with a friend or partner £160 per/person.

Workshops and Talks.

A colour workshop is a great way of getting together with friends for a fun and enjoyable time together. You’ll discover your best ten colours and receive a pocket guide. It’s also an opportunity to try new eye make up and lipstick shades.

Contact me to discuss as these are arranged specifically for your group.

Make Up Workshops are an opportunity to discover your most flattering shades, how best to apply make up , try out new shades and have confidence in replicating your new look at home. There is the opportunity to purchase products.

Contact me to discuss as these are arranged specifically for your group.

Make up workshop also available 1:1.


If you are looking for a speaker for a group or corporate event then please contact me to discuss your requirements. These are fun and informative sessions.